Thursday, December 24, 2009

Who should pay for pensions?

Historically, that is to say throughout human existence, except for the last, say, sixty years, the welfare of the older generation has fallen upon the younger generation. In it's simplest form this was all well and good. I well remember my Great Grandfather living with my Mothers Aunt and Uncle in the final years of his life and doing what he could as far as gardening and so-forth until his death well into his nineties. Of course the whole system relied on a high degree of social cohesion, although there were many instances of unrelated "friends of the family" being taken in in order to live out their final few years in a modest but civilised environment rather than destitution.
In these days when people have fewer children, and with regard to the lottery that occurs when a person/couple are unblessed by the advent of children, or their sexual orientation precludes the production of offspring and where the general disintegration of the social fabric enables the younger generation to deny responsibility for the wellbeing of their elders, then society has deemed fit for the state to assume that responsibility.

The figures put forward by RogerDouglas are no doubt accurate from an accountants point of view, but to extrapolate the notion of seven percent return on investment over the next several decades is a dangerous nonsense. Forty years ago, with hindsight, any sum invested would yield a huge return, but in that time, limitless growth seemed like a given truth. In 1972, the Club of Rome commissioned the report "Limits to Growth" that attempted to model the interaction of the concept of limitless growth with the realisation that the planet earth does not provide a limitless resource base. So far, 37 years on, the pattern of the global economy has been consistent with their findings.

The consequences are dire for the uninformed investor, but the banking sector has much invested in the concept of "Businesss As Usual Until The End Of The World As We Know It". Any other notion for them is unthinkable.

For us, we have the freedom to visualise a world where Natural Law takes precedence over the artifice of accountancy. We can look forward to a time where our Sovereign Government resumes sole authority to issue money on our behalf and to see an end to the centuries old "crime of usury" perpetrated by the banks that the likes of Douglas, Brash, Key depend upon for their very existence.

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